Thursday, December 3, 2009

Surgeon Suspended after Rangoon Girl's Death

By THE IRRAWADDY Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Myanmar [Burma] Medical Council (MMC), a Burmese government body, has ordered a five-year suspension of the license of a surgeon who performed an operation on a 15-year-old girl who subsequently died, according to Rangoon sources.

A Rangoon journalist told The Irrawaddy on Thursday that an MMC statement accused the surgeon, Dr Kyi Soe, of making clinical mistakes, lacking preoperative and postoperative assessment, responsibility and accountability.

Dr Kyi Soe carried out an operation on Khine Shun Leh Yee, a ninth grade Rangoon student, at the Shwegondaing Specialist Center in Rangoon on Oct. 25. She died two days later.

The journalist said the MMC also ordered Dr Kyi Soe to apologize to the girl's family for her death. There was no mention of any compensation award.

The girl's mother claimed she had paid more than US $1,000 for the operation at the private clinic. She accused Dr Kyi Soe of failing to carry out proper medical tests.

Shortly after the girl's death, an investigation was opened by the MMC, a Ministry of Health body responsible for monitoring the ethics and standards of Burma's medical profession.

Contacted by The Irrawaddy on Thursday, the clinic said it could not comment on the case.


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